Characterization and Evaluation of Asphalt Binder Properties (CEAB)

CEAB heeft als doel om de effecten van de recente veranderingen in de samenstelling van bitumen in kaart te brengen. Binnen de scope van dit project zit een combinatie van fundamenteel chemisch onderzoek en mechanische testen, om zo in kaart te brengen welke eigenschappen van bitumen en verjongingsmiddelen (met verschillende samenstellingen) bijdragen aan de prestatie van het materiaal.

De kennis die in CEAB wordt ontwikkeld zal bijdragen aan een betrouwbaardere toetsingsmethode voor bitumenkwaliteit op zowel korte als lange termijn. De uitkomsten van dit onderzoek zullen leiden tot inzicht om, op termijn, bestaande bitumenspecificaties te verbeteren.


Lin, P., Lui, X., Ren, S. & Erkens, S., (2023) Study on the Influence of Fibers on the Aging Behavior of High Content Polymer Modified Porous Asphalt Mixture. Transportation Research Board, January, 2023, United States. (Oral presentation)

Ren, S., Lui, X., Lin, P., Goa, Y., Jing, R., Lin, P., Erkens, S. & Wang, H. (2023). Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental validation on the interfacial diffusion behaviors of different rejuvenator in aged bitumen. Materials & Design. 226, 111619.

Ren, S., Lui, X., Lin, P., Goa, Y. & Erkens, S. (2022) Insight into the compatibility behaviors between various rejuvenators and aged bitumen: Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental validation. Materials & Design. 223, 111141.

Ren, S., Lui, X., Lin, P., Goa, Y. & Erkens, S. (2022) Molecular dynamics simulation on bulk bitumen systems and its potential connections to macroscale performance: Review and discussion. Fuel. 328C, 125382.

Lin, P., Lui, X., Ren, S., Erkens, S. & Nahar, S. (2022) Understanding the rejuvenation effect of different rejuvenator components from rheological experiment and molecular dynamics simulation. CROW Infradagen, November 2022 

Ren, S., Lui, X., Lin, P., Erkens, S. & Nahar, S. (2022) Investigating the long-term aging behaviors of bitumen based on experimental chemo-physical characterization and molecular dynamics simulation. CROW Infradagen, November 2022 

Nahar, S., Mensink, L., Lui, X. & Lin, P. (2022) Rol van zwavel in bitumen CROW Infradagen, November 2022 

Ren, S., Lui, X., Lin, P., Goa, Y. & Erkens, S. (2022) Review on the transport and interfacial performance of sustainable bituminous materials: From a perspective of molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 366, 120363.

Ren, S., Liu, X., Lin, P., Erkens, S. & Gao, Y. (2022) Chemical characterizations and molecular dynamics simulations on different rejuvenators for aged bitumen recycling. Fuel, 2022(324), 1-17. [124550]. 

Ren, S., Liu, X., Erkens, S., Lin, P. & Gao, Y. (2022) Multi-component analysis, molecular model construction, and thermodynamics performance prediction on various rejuvenators of aged bitumen. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022(360), [119463]. 

Lin, P., Liu, X., Erkens, S., Welvaarts, B. & Brouns, K. (2022). Investigation of polyurethane modified cold bitumen for the fast cold in-place recycling. Transportation Research Board, January, 2022, United States

Ren, S., Liu, X., Lin, P., Jing, R. & Erkens, S. (2022). Towards a novel consecutive model for the long-term aging reaction kinetics of bitumen. Transportation Research Board, January, 2022, United States

Ren, S., Liu, X., Erkens, S. & Nahar, S. (2022). The influence of long-term aging on the chemical properties of bitumen. Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, IFRAE 2021, 162-167.  

Lin, P., Liu, X., Ren, S., Erkens, S. & Nahar, S. (2022). Rheological and chemical characterization on the polymer modified bitumen with different rejuvenators. Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, IFRAE 2021, 133-138. 

Nahar, S. (2021). The role of sulfur in bitumen properties. TNO repor/t, TNO 2021 R11695

Liu, X., Lin, P. & Ren, S., (2021). Recycling and Rejuvenation Practices: a literature review. TU Delft report.

Ren, S., Liu, X., Erkens, S. & Nahar, S. (2021). The influence of long-term aging on the chemical properties of bitumen. Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, IFRAE 2021, 162-167.

Lin, P., Liu, X., Ren, S., Erkens, S. & Nahar, S. (2021). Rheological and chemical characterization on the polymer modified bitumen with different rejuvenators. Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, IFRAE 2021, 133-138.

Liu, X. & Nahar, S. (2021). Workshop: Changes in binder properties and the role of additives the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, IFRAE 2021.

Nahar, S., Teugels, W., Wall, A. van de, Poeran, N. & Vilsteren, I. van (2021). Grip on bitumen: mapping the changes in bitumen market and its impact on performance, 7th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress v1.1, ID 423